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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.335
Dick Munroe
The news.answers news group is the official vehicle for publication of
frequently asked questions digests (including this one). For those of you
without access to News, there is an alternative: DMConnection archives
news.answers and makes it available to the general public. Send a message to
fileserv@dmc.com with the body of the message containing the line:
to get started.
Dick Munroe
The following mail servers deal primarily with VMS software. Instructions on
their use and content appear regularly in the vmsnet.sources.d, vmsnet.misc,
and vmsnet.tpu newsgroups.
Address Maintainer
MAILSERV@Cerritos.EDU. Bruce Tanner <tanner@cerritos.edu>
nrl_archive@nrlvax.nrl.navy.mil koffley@nrlvax.nrl.navy.mil
VMSSERV@NYUACF.BITNET Stephen Tihor <tihor@acf4.nyu.edu>
FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET or TPU Command Procedures Collection
FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET Hunter Goatley <goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET>
FILESERV@irav17.ira.uka.de Bernd Onasch <ONASCH@irav17.ira.uka.de>
Dick Munroe
The following FTP sites have significant collections of VMS software. More
complete lists of anonymous FTP sites and their contents appear regularly in the
news.answers newsgroup. The following ftp sites and their content are discussed
fully in vmsnet.sources.d.
Address Maintainer
acfcluster.nyu.edu Stephen Tihor <tihor@acf4.nyu.edu>
Black.Cerritos.EDU Bruce Tanner <tanner@cerritos.edu>
White.Cerritos.EDU Bruce Tanner <tanner@cerritos.edu>
Dick Munroe
>From: ORAKEL@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de (Framstag)
>Subject:Re: Anonymous FTP sites for VMS, DOS, Mac files
>For a list of VMS-ftp-sites look at info.rz.uni-ulm.de ( in
>Updated every sunday.
[Ed. Note: I looked and here is the sort of stuff you can expect to find:
total 659
-r--r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 42990 Apr 28 16:42 VAX-VMS-SOFTWARE.LIS_Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 35853 Sep 6 06:04 acfcluster_nyu_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 1718 Sep 6 07:40 ada.cenaath.cena.dgac.fr.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 2594 Sep 6 06:06 addvax_llnl_gov.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 33135 Sep 6 06:37 arizona_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 22874 Sep 6 06:40 black_cerritos_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 2647 Sep 6 06:11 cca_camb_com.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 4934 Sep 6 06:07 cisco_nosc_mil.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 13767 Sep 6 06:41 ftp_spc_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 4508 Aug 2 06:09 ftpvms_ira_uka_de.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 2662 Sep 6 06:05 iago_caltech_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 1805 Sep 6 06:00 kuhub_cc_ukans_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 809 Sep 6 06:11 mis1_mis_mcw_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 218437 Sep 6 07:37 mvb_saic_com.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 84183 Sep 6 06:33 niord_shsu_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 3797 Sep 6 06:05 phast_phys_washington_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 6300 Sep 6 07:39 public_tgv_com.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 834 Sep 6 06:06 rml2_sri_com.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 1167 Sep 6 07:39 ubvms_cc_buffalo_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 734 Sep 6 06:06 utnetw_utoledo_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 6718 Sep 6 06:08 vesta_sunquest_com.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 3337 May 24 06:00 vms_ecs_rpi_edu.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 139662 Sep 6 06:52 vms_huji_ac_il.lis_z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp-admi news 1670 Sep 6 06:00 vmsa_oac_uci_edu.lis_z
The above was obtained via ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com with the following message:
connect info.rz.uni-ulm.de
ls /pub/VMS/ftp-sites
Presumably things will change as stuff gets added.]
Like many sites dmc.com is not directly connected to the internet (yet!). Yet
much of the software or information we want access to is not available from mail
servers. In the United States (there may be other sites, but I've never had
reason to access them) I have found the FTPMAIL service of DEC Western Research
Labs to be invaluable. To get information, send a message to
ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com with a message body consisting of the single line:
ftpmail and other mechanisms are discussed periodically in the news.answers
Good Luck,
Dick Munroe
The official FTP site for all GNU software is prep.ai.mit.edu. They even have
the basics there for GCC. For those of you interested in G++ (the GNU C++
compiler) for VMS you should try FTP from mango.rsmas.miami.edu. They keep
current copies of G++ and G++lib in VMS installable form available. I have also
found a mail based file server, MRCServ@mtroyal.ab.ca which also keeps current
copies of G++ and G++lib in VMS installable form.
Good Luck,
Dick Munroe
>From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" <goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET>
>Subject:New e-mail fileserver: MXSERVER@WKUVX1.BITNET
>OK, I'm setting up an experiment....
>Some of you have been asking about getting MX031 via e-mail because
>you don't have access to anonymous ftp. Well, I (finally) packaged up
>MX031 and created a new file server on my system. To the new file
>server is MXSERVER@WKUVX1.BITNET. MX will *not* be available from
>FILESERV because I want to try to limit when the files go out.
>MX031 is a VMS_SHARE file in 113 parts (60 blocks)---that's pretty
>big. Unlike the way Matt used to set it up, I've (for the time being)
>created one big .MFTU file containing all the VMSINSTAL savesets.
>The only caveat at the moment is that MXSERVER files are only sent
>between 5PM CDT and 6AM CDT. If very many people request MX031, my
>poor 9600-baud BITNET link will take a while to let everything go
> a) please be patient---it may take several days for everything to
> make it through
> b) MX_REVC_UPGRADE031 has also been moved from FILESERV to MXSERVER
> c) don't everybody ask for it at once
> d) this is an experiment---depending on how things go, I may have to
> limit the number of files a person can get in a day, etc.
>Of course, MX is available via ftp from ftp.spc.edu in [.MX].
[Ed. Note -- This was cribbed from the news.software.anu-news FAQ. There
is an beta version of ANU News, 6.1b* that is available as well. I don't know
if it is available from these sites as well, but I believe it is. 6.1a4 is
packaged as part of the UUCP 2.0 release, so if you're getting that, you don't
need to get a copy unless you want to get the documentation/sources, or the
latest versions.
Dick Munroe]
>From: billy@sol.acs.unt.edu (Billy Barron - VAX/UNIX Systems Manager)
>Subject:FAQ: news.software.anu-news
>Q: How do I acquire a copy of ANU News?
>A: ANU News is available for anonymous FTP on sao.aarnet.edu.au (Australia)
> and kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Kansas, USA). Other sites may also have it
> available. Please use the site closest to you. There are two versions
> available: a normal backup saveset and a LZW compressed version of the
> backup savesets. VMS LZW programs are available on kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
> also and through DECUS. For network load reasons, it is preferable if you
> acquire LZW and the compressed version of ANU NEWS.
> The Glass patch was posted to the newsgroup after V6.0-2 was released. The
> archives for the newsgroup are accessable from listserv@vm1.nodak.edu.
> here's an example of what you should send to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu:
> //ListSrch JOB Echo=No,Reply-via=mail
> Database Search DD=Rules
> //Rules DD *
> Select glass v6.0-3 patch in anu-news since 1-jan-1991
> print
> /*
> i believe you can send mail there with a subject (or is it body?)
> of "help", and it'll send help.
> there's also a news fileserver at fileserv@dayton.saic.com. commands are
> like:
> send news_v60-3_patch.19
> send news_v60-3_patch.2%
> send news_v60-3_patch.18
> and i imagine the help thing works there, too..
>From: gvrod@isuvax.iastate.edu (R Eldridge, VMS FOREVER)
>Subject:Re: Looking for Newsreader software
>VNEWS - NNTP Client developed by a large group of people. Current
> contact is Joel Snyder (jms@arizona.edu). Available by
> Anonymous FTP, contact Joel for details. UNIX style interface.
> 'bit.listserv.vnews-l' is a USENET equivalent of the 'VNEWS-L'
> mailing list based at UBVM.BITNET.
>DXRN - VMS port of the Berkeley XRN X windows news reader. Contact
> is Rick Murphy (murphy@burfle.dco.dec.com). Available by
> Anonymous FTP to decuac.dec.com, file /pub/DEC/dxrn.share.
>BULLETIN - Includes a USENET news reading mode. Send mail to
> BULLETIN@ORYANA.PFC.MIT.EDU with the text INFO for details on
> what BULLETIN is and how to get it.
>Subject: Matt Madison's utilities (was Re: Looking for Newsreader software)
>From: goathunter@wkuvx1.bitnet
>In article <1992Aug29.170329.29824@news.iastate.edu>, gvrod@isuvax.iastate.edu
>(R Eldridge, VMS FOREVER) writes:
>> NEWSRDR - Available for Anonymous FTP on
>> ...
>Actually, all of this has changed. NEWSRDR is available via anonymous
>ftp from ftp.spc.edu ([]) in [.MADISON.NEWSRDR]. It's
>available via e-mail by sending the following commands in the body
>a of mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET:
>SEND NEWSRDR_SRC !To get the sources
>All of Matt's programs are available from ftp.spc.edu in [.MADISON]
>and via e-mail from FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET. Send the command DIR ALL
>in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET for a brief
>listing of all the packages available from here.
>From: ORAKEL@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de (Framstag)
>Subject:Re: Looking for Newsreader software
>VMS NEWS v1.24 by Bernd Onasch
>VMS NEWS is a VAX/VMS full screen orientated NEWSreader supporting the
>following network (TCP/IP) implementations:
> * CMU/tek
> * EXOS (never tested, no site with it available)
> * MultiNet
> * Process Software
> * UCX (1.x and 2.0 [DEC TCP/IP])
> * Wollongong
> * DECnet object (tested the one of ANU NEWS 6.0.6)
>( * ANET - just got it from someone in japan - not yet tested )
>The client supports various display methods:
> * Numbered to just show the articles in order they came in
> * Subject to display the articles sorted by subject line
> * Threaded to display the articles sorted by threads (e.g. references)
>In all cases, VMS NEWS offers a window where you can scroll around to select
>the requested newsgroup or article.
>VMS NEWS is available from:
> * MAILserver FILESERV@irav17.ira.uka.de
> package NEWS_124 - VMSshare'd source
> * FTPserver iraun1.ira.uka.de (
> /pub/networks/news/news_1_24.com - VMSshare'd source
> * FTPserver info.rz.uni-ulm.de (
> /pub/VMS/communication/news124.zip - VMS zipped source
> * FTPserver ftp.spc.edu (
> [anonymous.ucx]news_124.share - VMSshare'd source
>For technical questions about VMS NEWS please mail directly to
>Bernd Onasch:
> ONASCH@ira.uka.de
> ONASCH@informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de
>From: EWILTS <EWILTS@mr.gov.bc.ca>
>Subject: Info-VAX: How to find VAX/VMS software.
>Ric Steinberger publishes a monthly Vax Software list to comp.os.vms. A
>pointer to this would be helpful. From Ric's file:
>NOTE: A current version of this file may be retreived by sending a ONE LINE
> mail message to: NETSERVER@RML2.SRI.COM. The one line should say:
> I will also try to keep a current version of VAX_LIST.TXT (this
> file) available via anonymous FTP from: rml2.sri.com (
>Ed Wilts, BC Systems Corp., 4000 Seymour Place, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8X 4S8
>EWilts@Galaxy.Gov.BC.CA | Ed.Wilts@BCSystems.Gov.BC.CA | (604) 389-3430
>Subject: HOW to get decus uucp (last time... really!)
>From: brodie@fps.mcw.edu
> -or-
>"The canned answer given to folks who want to get a copy of DECUS UUCP"
>Last Revision: 7/28/92 Kent C. Brodie (brodie@fps.mcw.edu)
> -or- fps!brodie)
>How to get DECUS UUCP (Version 2.0):
>DECUS UUCP, distributed by the DECUS "VMSNET" working group, is a complete
>implementation of UUCP for VMS. It is becoming one of the most popular
>"packages" offered from DECUS, and for many VAX sites, it's their only
>way to get to the internet. This file describes how you may
>obtain your very own copy of the software for little or no cost.
>1) via DECUS. By far the most popular method of obtaining DECUS UUCP
> is through the VAX SIG TAPES distributed by the DECUS librarians. The
> tapes (now available on CDROM, too!) do not cost much (or nothing at all
> if you obtain them via your LUG librarian), and you'll get
> TONS of stuff besides "just" UUCP. Contact your local DECUS tape
> librarian, and find out how you can get the latest set of DECUS tapes.
> (You can also order them through the DECUS LIBRARY)
> * decus UUCP (V2.0) is NOW available on the SPRING 1992 tapes
> * decus UUCP (V1.3) last appeared on the FALL 1990 tapes
>2) using FTP via the INTERNET. DECUS UUCP (V2.0) is available via anonymous
> ftp from the following sites:
> ftp.spc.edu directory [.decus_uucp]
> Address:
> (maintained by terry@spcvxa.spc.edu)
> ftp.uu.net directory /systems/vms/uucp
> Address:
> (maintained by the folks at uunet)
> mis1.mis.mcw.edu directory [.decus_uucp]
> Address:
> (maintained by brodie@mis.mcw.edu)
> mvb.saic.com directory [.decus_uucp]
> Address:
> (maintained by Mark.berryman@mvb.saic.com)
> "mis1.mis.mcw.edu" is the ftp site that *I* maintain, and any
> updates I receive will be immediately passed down to the other sites
> shown above.
> The contents if the [.decus_uucp] directory should have the following:
> (file sizes listed are VMS disk blocks [=512 bytes each])
> Directory STA1:[UUCP_DIST]
> DEVEL.BKP;1 16128
> MAPS.BKP;1 13167
> * RUN.BKP;1 8001
> SUPPDOC.BKP;1 3465
> SUPPNEWS.BKP;1 12096
> * UU20BOOT.BKP;1 1890
> Total of 7 files, 62370 blocks.
> Files with a "*" are the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM required. Additionally,
> NEW sites (not yet running UUCP) will also need MAPS.BKP.
> The "NEWS" files refer to Geoff Huston's ANU-NEWS, which is
> also distributed with DECUS UUCP.
> Additionally, If you're really up to it, the ftp site
> wuarchive.wustl.edu currently offers the latest VAX SIG decus
> tape offerings via anonymous ftp. (the WHOLE tape, no parts!). Be
> ready for a lot of transfer time and a lot of pieces, though.
> If you do use FTP on any of the above sites, PLEASE be kind.
> DECUS UUCP is kind of big, so transfer it during non-peak hours.
[Ed. note: for those of you without FTP AND without a direct UUNET
connection AND you are unwilling to use UUNET's 900 number service,
try FTPMAIL. For details, see the discussion of FTPMAIL, above.]
>3) Via "anonymous uucp".
> [thanks to Jamie Hanrahan who arranged for this....]
> UUNET also has the package available for pickup via anonymous uucp.
> (any DECUS UUCP site running at least V1.2 can make use of this!)
> You can use uunet even if you are not a "subscriber" (they have
> a 900 number! At the time of writing, connect charges via 900
> access is about $0.40 a minute) (be forwarned: uunet
> charges rates based on connect time used.... based on a V.32 modem
> (etc), the BASE kit would cost about $10-$12. The ENTIRE kit can
> probably be retrieved for under $50.) Although long distance is
> the "next best thing to being there", it isn't cheap....
> (If all you have is a 2400-baud modem, don't even consider this.....)
> The directory to get the files from is ~/systems/vms/uucp and
> the very first file to retrieve is "aaareadme.txt". That file
> will then document for you everything else you have to do. (what
> files to get, how to uncompress them, etc.).
> This method, therefore, is probably preferable for those sites who
> aren't a long ways away from uunet, or who are already using it
> as their main feed.
> The following is a reference to the file names and sizes. You
> can be the judge as to what it would cost to transfer knowing
> your system's capabilities, modem speed, and connection rate:
> directory "/systems/vms/uucp":
> total 14174
> * -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 10198 Jul 20 19:52 aaareadme.txt
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 4787679 Jul 10 05:01 devel.bkp-z
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 2112011 Jul 10 05:17 newsdevel.bkp-z
> * -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 85666 Jul 17 00:15 preboot.vms_share
> * -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 2460500 Jul 10 05:24 run.bkp-z
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 900149 Jul 10 05:27 suppdoc.bkp-z
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 3591934 Jul 10 05:37 suppnews.bkp-z
> * -rw-rw-r-- 1 3 21 498411 Jul 17 00:22 uu20boot.bkp-z
> Files marked with a "*" are the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM required. (note:
> the files here are a bit different from the FTP or MAGTAPE distribution)
[Ed. note: the command I used to fetch devel.bkp-z was:
uucp -v "uunet!~/systems/vms/uucp/devel.bkp-z" uucp_public:devel.bkp-z
and it worked just fine.]
>4) Lastly, the final method of getting a copy is via your local friendly
> mailman. I provide free distribution of the DECUS UUCP package,
> but only if you pay the freight.
> Package the following:
> 1 tape (TK50, TK70, or 9-track) ** TK85 coming soon...**
> 1 self-addressed, STAMPED envelope to fit the tape **required**
> Mail it all to:
>c/o Kent Brodie
> Faculty Physicians & Surgeons
> 11200 West Plank Court, Suite 160
> Wauwatosa, WI 53226
> (If you send me a 9-track tape, I can handle 1600 or 6250bpi.)
> If you use 6250, it will all fit on a 600-foot reel. If you need 1600,
> then you must send a 2400-foot reel)
> U.S. Postage for mailing a TKxx cartridge is something like $2.90.
> (thus, for both ways, the total cost is $5.80)
> A few notes. I provide this service free of charge, but at the
> same time, The Medical College of Wisconsin didn't hire me to make
> tape copies either. As I get tapes to make, I make them when I can.
> Usual turnaround time is about a week. ("your mileage may vary").
> Finally, when it comes to the self-addressed "stamped"
> envelope, you can use normal US postal mail, Federal Express, or UPS.
> Our office does not normally deal with any other couriers, so please
> don't go using DHL or something.
> Questions? email me or gimme a call.
>Kent C. Brodie - Sr. Systems Manager InterNet: brodie@fps.mcw.edu
>Faculty Physicians & Surgeons uucpNet: fps.mcw.edu!brodie
>Medical College of Wisconsin MaBellNet: +1 414 266 5080
>From: le9miiwa@cine88.cineca.it
>Subject:Summary: vi editor for VMS
>Hi everyone!
>Here is a summary of answers to my query for a vi clone for VMS
>From: whitfill@heechee.meediv.lanl.gov (Jim Whitfill - Los Alamos)
>>get [.vi]vi.sav or [.vi]vi.sav_z from anonymous on meediv.lanl.gov. vi.sav is
>>a VMS backup saveset and vi.sav_z is compressed. Get lzdcmp.exe from top level
>>on meediv.lanl.gov and decomp vi.sav_z.
>From: orakel@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de (Ulli 'Framstag' Horlacher)
>info.rz.uni-ulm.de pub/VMS/editors/elvis.zip
>From: BRENNAN@COCO.CCHS.SU.OZ.AU (Luke Brennan)
>> you should use ELVIS - it works fine. If you can't find it
>> closer to home, try here at coco.cchs.su.oz.au ( cd [.elvis])
>> The version here is one rev behind the current one apparently -
>> but I haven't bothered to find the latest one, as nobody has
>> complained about anything!
>Original_From: TESTA@eldp.epfl.ch (Testa Andrea SI-DP EPFL)
>Host ftp.uni-kl.de (
>Last updated 00:47 27 Sep 1992
> [Andrea suggests Elvis, and points to the DECUS distribution,
> or the listed ARCHIE-generated locations.
> I translate here because he wrote to me in Italian...]
>Host ftp.uni-kl.de (
>Last updated 00:47 27 Sep 1992
> Location: /pub2/packages/linux/sources/usr.bin
> FILE r--r--r-- 341883 Apr 6 14:29 elvis-1.5.tar.Z
> Location: /pub2/packages/linux/binaries/usr.bin
> FILE rw-r--r-- 333727 Apr 2 18:09 elvis-1.5.tar.Z
>Host guardian.cs.psu.edu (
>Last updated 00:25 27 Sep 1992
> Location: /pub/src/gnu
>Last updated 00:25 27 Sep 1992
> FILE rw-rw-r-- 333727 Apr 6 18:33 elvis-1.5.tar.Z
>Host ftp.uu.net (
> Location: /systems/unix/linux/binaries/usr.bin/Editors
> FILE rw-r--r-- 166363 Apr 30 16:24 elvis-1.5.tar.Z
>From: SFA@epavax.rtpnc.epa.gov (STEVEN FISHBACK)
>> Yes, I have ported it the vax here at my work place and it
>>works great for me. FTP anonymously to the following site:
> Host: gatekeeper.dec.com (
> Location: pub/VMS/vitpu-v5
> DIRECTORY r-xr-xr-x 1024 Oct 31 1990 vitpu-v5
>>It's written in TPU and it comes with documentation to install and use.
>>The creator is Gregg Wonderly, Mathematics Department of Oklahoma
>>State U.
>From: tarjeij@extern.uio.no
>>Try Elvis v1.5 or later, it is supposed to work under VMS. The TPU version of
>>vi should be avoided.
>Thanks also to:
> Larry Henry <larry@eco.twg.com>
>[editor's note: like we say here in Lombardia,
> there are 32 different tastes!
> pick your choice! BTW, I am writing this message with vi by
> whitfill@heechee.meediv.lanl.gov
> which happened to arrive first to me!
>Many thanks to everybody. Hope this is useful....
> Andrea Spinelli
The following is the official word form Chuck Forsberg, the developer of ZMODEM:
>From: <caf%omen.UUCP%uunet.UUCP@DMC.COM>
>Subject: Re: Pointer to VMS implementation of ZMODEM needed
>There are two versions of VMS ZMODEM available.
>RZSZ.TLB is available on TeleGodzilla, GEnie, and Compuserve,
>and supports dial-in callers with ZMODEM-90(Tm) programs.
>A commercial version that also supports Crosstalk, Telix, Procomm
>et al is available for $495.00 from Omen Technology.
>Both of these programs support the popular VMS record formats.
>Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf
>Author of YMODEM, ZMODEM, Professional-YAM, ZCOMM, and DSZ
> Omen Technology Inc "The High Reliability Software"
>17505-V NW Sauvie IS RD Portland OR 97231 503-621-3406
>TeleGodzilla:621-3746 FAX:621-3735 CIS:70007,2304 Genie:CAF
I logged into TeleGodzilla just to see what was there. For those of you who
want source code, here's the official pointer to the "official source code":
"ZMODEM protocol information and royalty free C source code for
developers is available in Omen's "ZMODEM Developer's
Collection" which may be ordered by voice at 503-621-3406."
The following is the help file from TeleGodzilla:
>*************** Yam-Host Command Summary Rev 04-24-87
>File(s) Ambiguous Path Name or names: [dir/]file.exe ...
> A directory name expands to all files in that directory,
> An empty File expands to all files in the current directory.
>file1 Unambiguous single filename
>cd directory change to directory
>cd change to login (home) directory
>pwd print working directory
>BYE stops the hemorraging of your phone bill
>chat opens a link to the console (chat with SYSOP)
>message leave a public message (file=MESSAGES)
>private leave a private message for sysop
>dir File(s) alphabetized directory listing
>dirr File(s) long form directory with transmission time printout
>dird File(s) sorted by date
>dirt File(s) sorted by date in reverse order
>dirl File(s) sorted by file length
>dirs File(s) sorted by file length in reverse order
>rb receive files FROM YOU with YMODEM batch protocol
>rx file1 receive one file FROM YOU using XMODEM protocol
>kermit rb receive files FROM YOU with Kermit protocol
>type File(s) type files (one or more ambiguous file names)
>sx -k file1 send 1 TO YOU, XMODEM protocol (-k gives 1k blocks)
>rc file1 receive one file FROM YOU with CRC-16 error checking
>sb -k File(s) send one or more files with YMODEM batch protocol
>sz File(s) send one or more files with ZMODEM batch protocol
>sz -r File(s) Recover/resume ZMODEM file transfer(s)
>kermit sb File(s) send files TO YOU with Kermit protocol
>EXAMPLES: sx yamdemo.arc (XMODEM)
> kermit sb yamdemo.arc (Kermit)
>Keyboard "type info.txt" for more information on this particular system.
RZSZ.TLB is, I believe, also available from most of the VMS software archives
(cerritos.edu carries it). I checked to see if there were other copies of
ZMODEM around.
UUNET has [at least] the following, most of which SHOULD be in source form:
>total 1310
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 713 Aug 11 07:20 rzsz.README.Z
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 3784 Aug 6 17:13 rzsz9202.dff.Z
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 81407 Aug 6 17:14 rzsz9202.tar-z.Z
>total 1165
>-rw-r--r-- 1 revell 59565 Jul 2 23:24 zmodem.tar.Z
>total 1810
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 52736 Feb 12 1992 zmodem-part1.shar
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 42589 Feb 12 1992 zmodem-part2.shar
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 54140 Feb 12 1992 zmodem-part3.shar
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 47368 Feb 12 1992 zmodem-part4.shar
>total 62
>-r--r--r-- 1 archive 22356 Oct 18 1987 part01.Z
>-r--r--r-- 1 archive 12759 Oct 18 1987 part02.Z
>-r--r--r-- 1 archive 27191 Oct 18 1987 part03.Z
The protocol documentation is in:
>total 109
>-rw-r--r-- 1 archive 45213 Oct 28 1991 ZMODEM8.DOC.1.Z
In addition, the VAX Software list (see SOFTWARE-LIST, above) mentions the
SZ Shell SZ Shell gives the Z-Modem program SZ a host of new features
including wildcards and various others. Both SZ and RZ are
provided in the archive.
Availability: F47